Digital IXUS 500 HS - Canon Malaysia - Personal The IXUS 500 HS’s perfect rectangular creation is derived from the mathematical golden ratio of 1:1.618 that has inspired artists and architects for centuries. ... Features a wide-angle 28mm 12x optical zoom lens in a world's slimmest* 19.2mm compact body
Canon IXUS 500 HS - PowerShot and IXUS digital compact cameras - Canon UK Canon IXUS 500 HS Amazing by design. Tiny, 12x zoom IXUS The IXUS 500 HS brings a big 12x zoom to a compact, stunning metal body - getting you closer, in style. With HS System, Intelligent IS and Smart Auto, shooting great images is easy, even in low ligh
Canon IXUS 500 HS review - Digital Camera - Trusted Reviews Canon IXUS 500 HS Digital Camera review: The Canon IXUS 500 HS combines a 12x optical zoom, 3in LCD screen and 10MP sensor with striking design. ... The IXUS 500 HS offers video capture at a variety of resolutions and frame rates. The headline and most ..
Canon IXUS 500 HS 28mm廣角高畫質數位相機(公司貨 ... 【贈品】micro 16GB記憶卡+原廠相機包+專用電池;【贈品】小腳架+清潔組+保護貼+讀卡機;1010萬畫素+3吋觸控螢幕;28mm廣角+12倍變焦.
[快]Canon IXUS 500 HS 28mm廣角高畫質數位相機(平輸中文 ... 1010萬畫素+3吋觸控螢幕;28mm廣角+12倍變焦. ... [快]Canon IXUS 500 HS 28mm廣角高畫質數位相機(平輸中文). 建議售價$11,890. $4,680. 5/19-5/30數位相機、 ...
Canon IXUS 500 HS 產品介紹 IXUS 500 HS 則配備28mm 廣角12 倍光學變焦鏡頭,一機即可滿足近拍、遠攝的需要;機身纖巧靈活,即使於狹窄環境下拍攝,仍能輕易捕捉遼闊的風景或團體合照; ...
IXUS 500 HS 產品說明 - 彩虹先進 IXUS 500 HS 則配備28mm 廣角12 倍光學變焦鏡頭,一機即可滿足近拍、遠攝的 ... 內置佳能研發的光學影像穩定器(IS) ,有效避免遠攝時因輕微搖晃而造成的影像 ...
Canon IXUS 500 HS 28mm廣角高畫質數位相機﹝公司貨 ... Canon IXUS 500 HS 28mm廣角高畫質數位相機﹝公司貨﹞ 的價格比價結果。共有9 筆,價格由8680 元到10990 元。全台購物網站商品收錄齊全,供您完整比價、 ...
Canon IXUS 500 HS 28mm廣角高畫質數位相機﹝公司貨 ... Canon IXUS 500 HS 28mm廣角高畫質數位相機﹝公司貨﹞ 的價格比價結果。共有9 筆,價格由4490 元到10990 元。全台購物網站商品收錄齊全,供您完整比價、 ...
Canon IXUS 500 HS 最薄12 倍變焦相機- 2012年1月11日 - 而當中最新發表的IXUS 500 HS(ELPH 520 HS)便實行大玩高倍, ... 了28mm 的廣角,而遠攝則可達336mm 等效,配合手持拍攝,IXUS 500 HS 並 ...